
February 16 Message From Pastor Karen

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Can you believe that Lent begins next week on February 22 (Ash Wednesday)?

Several years ago I read a story about a pregnant woman who asked her priest what she should give up for Lent. He told her, “Nothing. You have already given up your body, your schedule, your money, and your life for the child that is being formed in you.” Her priest helped her see that her sacrifice for her baby was a sacrifice for the Kingdom of God. How interesting.

Lent isn’t just about fasting, it’s also about standing in solidarity with Christ as he makes his way to the cross. What do you think Christ lamented? What were the substance of his tears in the garden? Was it just about our sin? Please, don’t misunderstand, I’m pretty sure my sin alone could have brought the blood to his eyes. But what if he had some personal thoughts mixed in? He never got to be an old man, he never had a wife or children, he probably had a project for his mom in the workshop he never got to finish, the people who should have been his mentors in the faith were too busy selling doves for profit to recognize him as Messiah, he never got to reveal his identity to the childhood playmate he took his breaks with as a young boy, the list goes on and on. He does grieve our sin. And he also grieves the things that keep our hearts from being honest and open not just with Him but with one another.

My heart? Let’s not just give up chocolate or Facebook if the Lord is calling us to something more important, more personal. Let’s stay with how God is stirring us. If, when you quiet your mind, you discover that you have some sadness, anger or grief, will you stay with yourself long enough to tell God how you feel? Do you believe that God will meet you with compassion? If pastor Nick or I can be helpful, will you let us know?

We are your pastors and we are FOR you. We are praying for you. I am looking forward to worshipping with you on Ash Wednesday next week. I would love to have several of you bring something the Lord has been speaking to you through. If you have any questions, please reach out!

Pastor Karen

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