It's Easy For Your Kids To Plug-In
There are lots of ways for kids to plug-in at Orchard Covenant church! All of our volunteers in the children’s programming are background checked, friendly and eager to serve your child as they grow in their faith.
Sunday Programming
Sunday School – We have our Christian Formation hour (ie. Sunday School) 9:45 am on Sunday Mornings before the worship service. It is divided into several classes based both on ages as well as reading level. (So that everyone is learning about God without barriers! No matter your english and reading proficiency)
During the service – Children, Kindergarten to 3rd grade, begin the service with their families for the opening, and then are dismissed later in the service to go together for fun, kid-focused programming in our community hall (we call it ‘children’s church’). They are then led back to their families for the end of the service.
Nursery – Infants, toddlers and preschoolers are welcome to worship with you, but we also have childcare available in our downstairs children’s area throughout Sunday school and the service.
During the middle school years, we love to challenge our youth to grow into a faith that they own for themselves. Taking place during the Christian Formation hour, it is a great opportunity for them to live into the faith that you have placed in them.
Camp Squanto
Every summer, we send our kids (2nd grade & up) to Pilgrim Pines, an associated campground a little over an hour North in Swanzey, New Hampshire. We offer scholarships so that all families who wish this opportunity can afford it.
Worship Team, Welcome Ministry, Audio/Visual Tech, etc.
We believe that you are never to young to participate in service to others and for God. We make a point of inviting and welcoming all ages into the activities and ministries of the church.
We love to be spontaneous! As you get to know us, you will discover that fun matters to us. Whether it is sledding, hiking or a pickup game of soccer – we want our youth to know that we like hanging out with them and so does God!