
June 8 Message From Pastor Nick “God Wants Us To Refresh”

This Sunday marks the end of the Sunday School for this church season,  and traditionally that has meant the start of the summer slump at church,  both in attendance and in financial support.

Pastor Karen and I are taking time for vacation this summer and God commanded rest.  However, summer is not the time to take time-off from God.   Because Jesus tells us that the water that truly refreshes us comes from him.  He is the living water,  all that come to Him will thirst no more.

When the sanctuary is hot,  and the sun is shining,  we are tempted to find our refreshing outside of the house of the Lord.  Now, this is not intended to be a “shame on you” message,  but an encouragement that when you are not coming together before God,  while your body may enjoy sleeping in,  our spiritual selves still need the living water.

This summer,  Pastor Karen and I are walking the church through a series called “Just add water:  Finding God’s refreshment” and we will be looking at how we can find true refreshing through our faith and in Jesus.  We hope to see you all this summer!


Pastor Nick

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