
December 28 Message From Your Pastors

Let’s do lunch with the Director of Covenant World Relief!

Adam Edgerly, director of Covenant World Relief and Development (CWRD), is coming for lunch at Orchard Covenant on Saturday, January 13th at 1pm.

THIS IS A GREAT OPPORTUNITY for us!  Help us welcome him by signing up to bring some food. We are looking for rice + beans, sandwiches, cabbage, fufu and greens, a bucket of chicken, and/or other easy lunch foods, salads and desserts. Email Pastor Karen & Alice Jumba and cc: [email protected] (Dina) to volunteer

We know this is right around the corner and we apologize for the short notice – (we didn’t have much notice ourselves).

Adam has asked if we could invite other area churches, so we will be welcoming participants from ECC Springfield and hopefully a few from CT as well.

What is Covenant World Relief and Development? Watch this video to hear from Director Adam Edgarly and learn more:

We would like a rough headcount, so PLEASE email Pastor Karen and Alice Jumba (cc Dina) to let us know if you plan to attend and specify with you are able to bring food as well.

Blessings to you all! We hope you had a Merry Christmas!

Pastor Karen and Alice Jumba Nakitare

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