Check out this info that will help you level up your connections with people, (and possibly your opportunities to share God’s love), from a summary of last year’s Global Leadership Summit:
Vanessa Van Edwards, a best-selling author on behavioral research, offered some great tips on “leveling up” with people and creating a stronger connection which creates a sense of belonging. She explains that most people stay at Level 1 by discussing occupation, hometown, and family status. These questions keep our brains on autopilot and don’t make emotional connections. Instead, Vanessa suggests asking thought-provoking questions to dive deeper…
Questions to make stronger connections:
Level 1 – General Traits
- What’s been the highlight of your day?
- What’s something exciting coming up, or that you’re working on currently?
Level 2 – Personal Concerns (such as goals, values, worries, etc.)
- What’s your biggest goal right now?
- Are you learning about anything right now?
- What’s weighing on your heart or mind?…and can I help you with anything?
Level 3 – Self-Narrative (stories we tell ourselves about ourselves)
- How do you feel most misunderstood?
- What’s something most people don’t know about you?
- What forces made you who you are?
- Who’s your hero?
- What’s the proudest moment of your life?
If we can get to Level 3 we uncover a key to how they behave and what they believe. As great leaders we need to ask great questions and compassionately listen to the answers.
Curious if you’ve tried asking some of the level 2 or 3 questions… How did it go?
Sending love!
Pastor Karen
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