
October 5 Message From Your Pastors


Jonah as a parable to make sense of life

It is most likely that the book of Jonah was written down after Israel had come back from exile in Assyria and was trying to piece together how they ended up as a tiny poor nation with a sub-par temple and a God that had promised them an eternal throne and great blessing.

While I tend to believe the events of Jonah are historical,  it is likely that the book of Jonah was written as a sort of parable.  The people of God had been “swallowed up” by the whale of Assyria (whose capital is Nineveh) and now have been spit up out of Assyria back to a small piece of the promise land.  The point of book is less about detailing the life and ministry of Jonah the prophet,  and more about using his story to help these post-exilic (fancy, fun word) Jews understand how to think about life, and faith, and God’s mercy and provision.

I am wondering what are your stories that you use to understand your life,  faith and God’s mercy and provision? Maybe they are bible stories, maybe they are stories of greats in Christian history,  but maybe also they are family stories, or your own stories,  stories from saints at Orchard Covenant,  or back in your home country…

How do they inform and help you process your faith?  Are you willing to share?  Pastor Karen and I would love to hear them!  But if not, maybe just take a moment this week,  to remember one or two of them and how they can help you with the challenges of this week.


Pastor Nick

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