
November 24 Message From Your Pastors


Grateful to… you!


Your pastors are grateful for all that you do for God through Orchard Covenant Church.  We know that many of you wear several hats.  We know that many of you wear hats that don’t really fit you,  but are needed.  We know that you stretch to give financially, stretch to serve others, and stretch to accommodate the changing needs of the church.

There is always work and growth to do,  but in this season,  we just wanted to say: We see you.   We see you down in the nursery,  we see you as you visit the sick,  we see you as you gather clothes and cribs when they are needed.  We see you as you give rides week after week.  We see you as you make food for munch n mingle.

This church has a much larger footprint than it should for its size, and that has everything to do with the heart and grace that you all put into it.  So thank you.

We appreciate you!

Happy thanksgiving,

Your Pastors


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