
February 8 Message From Your Pastors

It’s been 9 days since we returned from Kenya. Wow. What a trip. I think I will be processing this trip the rest of my life…

I know last week Nick shared in the enews what he learned in Kenya, so I’ll do the same.
1. Driving here is a piece of cake.
2. I can share more. A friend of Peter Jumba loaned him his car for 3 weeks, knowing how hazardous driving is!
3. I love sweets. They were definitely fewer and farther apart there. Even Selfa, Jane’s friend who helped raise Brenda and Victor, asked us for candy.
3.5. I love coffee. Nick and I really like chai. But coffee wakes us up. We love coffee.
4. I love paved roads. Friends, I know we complain about potholes, but imagine 20 miles of rubble! The roads made me appreciate the Subaru commercials.
5. Every choice is a privilege.
6. It’s working. Mama Esther’s Program is working. The young people who want to make a better situation for their families can and they are.

I forget who said it – might have been a principal actually – but she said Mama “looked back.” Meaning, after she went to the U.S., she looked back to her village. Rather than turning away, she turned towards the hurting and the hungry.

In the story of the blind man who sees (from John 9), he is the only one who testifies about Jesus. In a bit of poetry, his physical sight is restored and he is the only one who has the spiritual sight to identify Jesus correctly. And because he does this, he is thrown out of the synagogue.

The beautiful thing is that in the next verse, John 9:35, Jesus finds him.

So, that’s the challenge for the Christian… we are called to turn towards the people Jesus is turning towards. I thank God that we are a group of people who strive to do that.

Oh Lord, give us the faith and the strength.


With love,

Pastor Karen

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